Our Promise

Gracebridge Care believes in providing a warm, caring and nurturing environment where our young residents can feel at home and thrive. Our child-centered individualised care allows us to meet the needs of the children and young people so they can reach their full potential.

We do this by:

  • Providing a structured, stimulating, caring and safe environment that is free from any prejudices
  • Working with each of child/young person to implement the objectives of their individual Placement Plan and the Placing Authority Care Plan
  • Providing culturally specific care and support for children and young people in line with the Quality Standards
  • Giving young people the opportunity to be listened to and express their wishes, feelings and needs and use an open person centered approach in all settings
  • Our team encourages a positive sense of self-image through responding to young people’s individuality, by treating them with dignity and focusing on reinforcing positive behaviour
  • Quality of care we provide to children and young people is continually improved through rigorous monitoring of, and evaluation of, our practices and procedures
  • Actively listening to and taking account of, the views, wishes and feelings of the children and young people we care for, as well as significant others in the young person’s life
  • Recognising unique quaities in each young person and respect their rights, wishes, feelings and needs, and work to enhance the skills of young people to better cope later in life
  • Working with and advocating for access to education and ensure the needs of the individual child are identified and met through well thought out and detailed placement plans
  • Meeting their cultural, religious, racial, gender and linguistic needs
  • Empowering children and young people to have knowledge of, access to, and respect for their community
  • Supporting self-identity by recognising that a young person’s ethnicity religion, culture, sexuality and language are crucial to their self-image and self-esteem
  • The provision of education, after school activities, group holidays and staffing
  • Ensuring positive integration of all community groups, whilst respecting and maintaining a functional family setting
  • Recruiting an appropriate mix of ethnic minority staffing to reflect children and young people’s gender and ethnic background
  • Believing all people at our homes - colleagues, children and young people and visitors - should be treated with respect. Disruptive or offensive language or behaviour will not be tolerated and will always be challenged.
  • Staff Retention

    Staff Retention

    96% Staff Retention Rate 

    "Our team is amazing, everyone really supports each other." Lauren

  • Stay

    18 Months Stay

    Average Stay

    Average stay of young people, 18 months. 

  • Our Promise

    Our Promise

    Our Promise

    Our team actively listens to and takes account of the views, wishes and feelings of the children and young people at all times.