Enjoyment & Achievement

We believe in encouraging and understand the importance for our young residents to participate in their choice of activities.

At the onset of the placement staff will state the young resident’s hobbies and interests. Each home has a budget specifically for recreation and each young person will have weekly planners detailing their choice of activity.

Where a young person expresses a particular interest in a specific activity this will, if appropriate, be promoted by the staff and additional money made available to pursue this where possible.

 Gracebridge Care has ever-growing links within the local community and accesses culturally appropriate activities for young people. All activities are encouraged as a strategy to develop and enhance our resident’s confidence, physical and emotional well-being, team building and inclusion.

The religious beliefs and individual forms of worship of the young person will be taken into consideration within the Care Plan and where necessary arrangements will be made to facilitate this area. This may include transportation to and from a place of worship, providing religious articles such as books, clothing or specific food items. If required a member of the care team will accompany the young person to the place of worship or to a place for formal religious instruction.

The home will actively promote the involvement of young people and their families (where appropriate) in the development and running of the home. Not only do we accept the principle of the young person’s involvement but it can be seen in practice through a variety of participation and consultation activities within and outside of the home and school environment.

Young people are encouraged to understand the diversity of cultures and beliefs that exist within the home, local and wider communities.

How we achieve this:

  • Consider the young person’s wishes and feelings, having regard to their understanding in relation to decision making
  • To ensure full participation of both young person and parents in the decision-making process
  • To encourage full participation in young people’s meetings and activity meetings
  • Hold weekly Primary Discussion/Young People’s Meetings sessions with the young person covering areas identified in their individual Care/Pathway Plans
  • To take into consideration, and actively provide for, religious and cultural differences
  • Encourage and support young people to identify and follow appropriate activities and interests within the community
  • Give the young person continuous feedback on his/her progress. To praise at every opportunity no matter how small the achievement
  • Ensure that positive encouragement is given at all times, particularly if, and when, the young person is facing difficulties
  • To help young people develop into positive members of the community, cultivating intrinsic boundaries and values with the help of outside agencies
  • Staff Retention

    Staff Retention

    96% Staff Retention Rate 

    "Our team is amazing, everyone really supports each other." Lauren

  • Stay

    18 Months Stay

    Average Stay

    Average stay of young people, 18 months. 

  • Our Promise

    Our Promise

    Our Promise

    Our team actively listens to and takes account of the views, wishes and feelings of the children and young people at all times.