Quality of Purpose

The range of needs of the children for whom it is intended that the home is to provide care and accommodation.

Grace House provides residential care for 4 young people with social, emotional and behaviour difficulties aged between 10 and 18 years as identified in their personal Care Plans.The home caters for children that also have or who are experiencing developmental difficulties and problematic early life experiences, including attachment disorder, emotional behaviours and moderate to low learning difficulties. Registered to support the primary care need of (EBD).

  • Aims and objectives of the homes To work in partnership with children young people and all those with parental responsibility to achieve the best outcomes and ensure all are involved in the process
  • Wherever possible we aim to help and support young people to return to live with their families on either a full time or on a shared care basis.
  • If the aim is not for the young person to return home, we will provide longer term care for the young people until they are ready to move on to live with another
  • family or to live independently providing support to the individual during the transition
  • In accordance with the Children Act 1989/2004, and the Quality Standards and Regulations 2015, wherever possible contact with families and carer’s will be encouraged and maintained. We will also aim to maintain and strengthen any links the young person may have with the community.
  • We provide a structured, stimulating, caring and safe environment that is free from any prejudices and which offers young people the opportunity to be listened to and express their wishes, feelings and needs. We will use an open person centred approach in all settings
  • We aim to encourage a positive sense of self-image through responding to young people’s individuality by treating them with dignity and focusing on reinforcing positive behaviour
  • We will continually improve the quality of care we provide to children and young people through rigorous monitoring of, and evaluation of, our practices and procedures
  • We will actively listen to and take account of, the views, wishes and feelings of the children and young people we care for as well as significant others in the young person’s life
  • We will recognise the uniqueness in each young person and respect their rights, wishes, feelings and needs and work to enhance the skills of young people to better cope later in life
  • We will work with and advocate for access to education, health and needs of the individual child are identified and met through well thought out and detailed placement plans and involving all significant professionals to support the placement plan and identified needs, taking into account the young person’s wishes and feelings
  • Provide opportunities for activities and participation in experiences, which will enhance the quality of life of the young person, to enable them to build stronger social networks and reduce social isolation. We will want to use local provisions and bring in the skills of others groups to help young people gain the confidence by way of sport and music and team days so they gain the abilities to enhance their chances of overcoming life’s obstacles
  • We will identify a Primary Care worker for the young person within 24 hours of being placed at the home. The Primary Care Worker will be supported by the Manager and all members of the team will share their own skills to ensure all young people have the opportunity to gain the most from key working and be supported in the whole process
  • We will regularly monitor and review the young person’s progress and success within the placement. By use of checks by the RI / Registered Provider to ensure the home is aiming high for each young person’s care to help them excel in care
  • Promote the welfare and safety of children and young people by ensuring our policies reflect how we will address and enforce anti – bullying, equal opportunities, safeguarding and complaints. Each young person will have a welcome pack given and will be taken through the homes guide for each young person to be aware of what they can aim for and strive for while in The Home
  • We will provide individual tailored person centred support to young people to effectively and sensitively manage any complex behaviours where a multi -agency approach is supportive and included in the plan to provide care and support.
  • Staff Retention

    Staff Retention

    96% Staff Retention Rate 

    "Our team is amazing, everyone really supports each other." Lauren

  • Stay

    18 Months Stay

    Average Stay

    Average stay of young people, 18 months. 

  • Our Promise

    Our Promise

    Our Promise

    Our team actively listens to and takes account of the views, wishes and feelings of the children and young people at all times.